Selasa, 05 April 2011


Akhirnya....semenjak 31 April, Liberty Reserve sekarang pulih kembali dari koma nya...

Dear Clients,

Thank you for your patience. We sincerely apologise for the prolonged delay. We appreciate your continued support as we are about to finish testing our replaced equipment. Please note that the issue is purely technical and poses no risk to your funds or personal data. Liberty Reserve will be back, as it always have been. We anticipate to finish up the configuration before the end of the weekend.

Please note that once system is back up you may experience slight delays in accessing our system due to increased traffic.

Dear Clients,

We are back!
In the first 5 minutes we saw a number of logins equal to three days of normal service! We ask you to wait a few hours until the load normalizes.

Also if you experience slow web loads you should clear your old cookies.

We are sorry for the outage. We will do our best to avoid such a situation in the future.

Thank you for your support.  

Ok para hyper mari kita berburu dollar lagi , ini screen shoot nya dari tgl 31 Maret s/d 4 April 2011.

Pembayaran masih dibayarkan melalui acc LR saya :
Saya masih memantau untuk pembayaran lionfunds dan 1autopay yang sampai saat ini masih belum masuk ke rekening acc LR saya.

Sore-sore saya cek lagi di acc LR saya ada tambahan $ yang masuk, kali ini yang membayar :

2.welch fund

malam-malam ada yang masuk lagi ke LR saya :
1. opulentia
2. lionfunds

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